17.1 Standards/Tips/Pointers
17.1 Standards/Tips/Pointers
Alright everyone, we know the workout so now its time to get to work! Pacing is the key on this workout. Get into a good groove with both movements and try to stay consistent with your transitions, work, and rest.
Scaled athletes are able to step-up onto the box jump, while RX athletes are required to jump.
Here are a few judging standards that you need to keep in mind throughout the workout:
- Athletes must alternate arms after each DB Snatch repetition and may not alternate until a successful rep is achieved. This means if you get a no-rep on one side you must do a proper rep on that side before you move on.
- The non-lifting hand and arm may not be in contact with the body during the repetition.
- In the bottom position, to ensure the athlete remains perpendicular to the box on each rep, the center of the athlete’s chest must be on the line, and the feet and hands must be straddling the line.
- There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. A two-foot takeoff is always required, and only the athlete’s feet may touch the box. The athlete may jump on top of the box using a two-foot landing and then jump or step off to the other side, or the athlete may jump completely over the box. If jumping over the box, the feet must go over the box, not around it, and the athlete must use a two-foot landing. (RX Athletes)
- The athlete may step up or jump on top of the box and then jump or step down on the other side, or the athlete may jump completely over the box. If jumping over the box, the feet must go over the box, not around it.
For full movement standards and requirements click here.
Join us at 6am, 9am, or for "Friday Night Lights" from 4:30-7:30pm!
Most importantly... Have fun and enjoy yourself!! This is a great workout to start the 2017 CrossFit Games Open because we are all capable of these movements. Cheer on your community and do your best!
Welcome to #THEOPEN!