Strength (5 Supersets)
Sled Pushes 5 x 75’ AHAP
Farmer Carries 5 x 150’ AHAP
For Time: Partner WOD
Assault Bike 200/160 calories
Partner must perform static hold at the top of the deadlift (Rx+205/145) (155/105) (Sc:115/80)
Strength (5 Supersets)
Sled Pushes 5 x 75’ AHAP
Farmer Carries 5 x 150’ AHAP
For Time: Partner WOD
Assault Bike 200/160 calories
Partner must perform static hold at the top of the deadlift (Rx+205/145) (155/105) (Sc:115/80)
At OV CrossFit we realize everyone has a unique starting place - you may be a "new mover" or a seasoned athlete. Our upfront assessment helps guide people to the best program for their goals and abilities.