CrossFit Kids Starts September 6th!


CrossFit Kids is designed to be both an exciting and fun way for children to exercise and learn healthy habits to carry them through life. The program will focus on good movement, having fun, teamwork, and confidence building.

Based on the principals of Mechanics, Consistency and Intensity, CrossFit Kids emphasized good movement throughout childhood and adolescence.  Consistently good mechanics translates to physical literacy, enhanced sports performance, and fewer sports injuries for kids.  CrossFit Kids is "BIG fun" for all ages! Broad-Inclusive-General FUN.  Each CrossFit Kids class will offer age appropriate developmental stimuli packed in a healthy dose of FUN.  A vast body of research indicates that exercise is beneficial to cognitive function, which means consistent adherence to the program can have a positive impact on children's academic achievement.

Every workout will be a new opportunity for kids to learn and practice functional movement while having a blast. These movements are fundamental to all things that kids need to do when they play and just move through their day to day life.  

At OV CrossFit we provide an uplifting and fun environment that celebrates the abilities and successes of every child, at every ability level, and of every body type.

We want toshow children and help them to understand that every body is capable of amazing things, while encouraging them to have the confidence to be comfortable in their own skin.

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Please Text/Call (740) 296-9656 or Email Us at for more information regarding any of our kids programming!




"The Beer Mile" Is Back!