Daily WOD JR Shortall Daily WOD JR Shortall


Congratulations to Beth Passmore-the winner of our goat challenge. It was a tough decision, as everyone did an awesome job improving their weaknesses. Beth's overhead squats have really come a long way and she will be the recipient of a $50 Rogue gi…

Congratulations to Beth Passmore-the winner of our goat challenge. It was a tough decision, as everyone did an awesome job improving their weaknesses. Beth's overhead squats have really come a long way and she will be the recipient of a $50 Rogue gift card! 



10 min EMOM

O: 10 Pendlay Rows

E: 5-7 Strict or Weighted Pull-ups



50 Double-unders (Scale 30 DUs, 2/1 singles)

40 Deadlifts @ 135/95 (Scale: 95/65)

30 Push-ups

20 Burpees

Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Score each round and try to keep rounds within 15 secs.

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Paul Krieger Paul Krieger

OVC "Goat" Challenge!

Introducing our OVC "Goat" Challenge!

Introducing our OVC "Goat" Challenge!

Ever wandered into Open Box to work on a weakness with no idea where to begin? We've all been there... But in order to truly improve we must focus and dedicate ourselves to one movement and obstacle at a time.

From January 1st - February 15th we are excited to introduce our OVC "Goat" Challenge!

Confused with the "goat" part?  It stands for "Greatest Obstacle of All Time"... and truthfully what is better than a crazy looking goat?!

To participate, members are asked to identify a movement or weakness they wish to improve upon.  (Example - Double Unders, Muscle Ups, Handstand PushUps, Squat Cleans, Etc.)  If you have trouble making a decision consult a coach for guidance.  Once you have chosen your "goat", write your name and your chosen movement on the whiteboard near the front desk.  

Beginning January 1st, athletes can attend our "Open Box" classes and work with a coach to improve and turn what was a weakness into a strength.  You can also take time within your warm-up or cool-down during class times for a little additional practice.  Only you can control how much effort you put in... 

The cost to participate is $10 per person.  

After February 15th, we will select a winner who will receive a $50 Rogue Fitness Gift Card for demonstrating the most improvement and commitment toward bettering their "goat" and their fitness.

Good luck to everyone participating!

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