Daily WOD Paul Krieger Daily WOD Paul Krieger

Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us!


It’s that time of year again and some nasty cold bugs are going around.  Here are a few things each of us can do to help prevent these bugs from spreading in the gym:

  1. If you’re sick, stay home.  I know it’s hard to stay away from the gym, but it’s even worse if you’re getting your fellow CrossFitters or Coaches sick.  Stay home and rest.  You can’t always sweat out the sickness.  And if you’re dead set on working out, reach out to one of your coaches for some at-home workouts.
  2. Wipe down your workout stations after each workout.  This is something we should be getting in the habit of doing, even if it’s not cold and flu season.  This includes: pull-up bars, AbMats, Assault Bike and rower seats and handles, barbells, kettlebells, and mopping up our sweat (and chalk) angels.  If you touch it, wipe it down.  There are sanitizing wipes and spray bottles with disinfectant cleaner throughout the gym for this purpose.
  3. Washing your hands before and after class.  Just in case someone forgets to wipe down their station, take the extra precaution of washing your hands and/or wiping down your equipment prior to using it.  We will be adding hand sanitizer to the front and back of the gym soon.  
  4. Drink lots of fluids.  Staying hydrated and eating well can only help you fight off these nasty bugs.  Make sure you’re bringing your water bottles to class and make it a goal to get through at least 1 full water bottle by the time you leave the gym.
  5. If you are a parent and bring kids to hang out during your workout, please clean-up after them and sanitize surfaces or objects they may touch.  Kid germs spread like wildfire!
  6. Dress appropriately.  Dress in layers so you can stay warm during your warm-ups and peel them off as needed for the workouts.  Even thorough Fall and early Winter we will still run outside, so planning ahead is a great idea.

Thank you for doing your part to keep OVC healthy and germ free!

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