Events JR Shortall Events JR Shortall

Thanksgiving Schedule

Here is our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday schedule. We will have our traditional 9 am Family & Friends Community WOD on Thanksgiving day. Come out and join us for a partner workout before filling up on Thanksgiving food!

We will have Open Gym on Friday, 11/29 from 9 am - 12 pm and back to our regular class schedule starting Saturday, November 30th with our 8 am weightlifting and 9 am CrossFit classes.

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Events, Daily WOD JR Shortall Events, Daily WOD JR Shortall

Thanksgiving Schedule

Here is our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday schedule. We will have our traditional 9 am Family & Friends Community WOD on Thanksgiving day. Come out and join us for a partner workout before filling up on Thanksgiving food!

We will be closed on Friday and back to our regular class schedule starting Saturday, November 25th with our 8 am weightlifting and 9 am CrossFit classes.

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Events, Daily WOD JR Shortall Events, Daily WOD JR Shortall

Thanksgiving Schedule

Here is our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday schedule. We will have our traditional 9 am Family & Friends Community WOD on Thanksgiving day. Come out and join us for a partner workout before filling up on Thanksgiving food!

We will be closed on Friday and back to our regular class schedule starting Saturday, November 26th with our 8 am weightlifting and 9 am CrossFit classes.

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Daily WOD JR Shortall Daily WOD JR Shortall


Happy Thanksgiving!
Partner WOD
25 min AMRAP
100 Air Squats
80 Push-ups
60 Pull-ups
80 Sit-ups
100 Double-unders (SC: 50 DUs; 175 singles)

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Events, Daily WOD JR Shortall Events, Daily WOD JR Shortall

Thanksgiving Schedule

Here is our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday schedule. We will have our traditional 9 am Family & Friends Community WOD on Thanksgiving day. Come out and join us for a partner workout before filling up on Thanksgiving food!

We will be closed on Friday and back to our regular class schedule starting Saturday, November 27th with our 8 am weightlifting and 9 am CrossFit classes.

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