Barbells For Boobs 2017


Wear your pink and join us Saturday - October 28th @ 9am or 10am for our "Barbells for Boobs" workout!

In addition to the workout, we will be continuing our "Check-In Challenge thru October 31st. All you have to do is check-in via our many social media platforms; Facebook Page, Instagram, or Twitter. Include a picture, and hashtag #OVC4BOOBS

For each check-in received OVC will donate $1 to "Barbells for Boobs"!

"The Beer Mile" Is Back!

beer mile.png

Join us Saturday September 16th from 11am - 1pm as we combine our fitness with... well... beer!

The Beer Mile
4 Rounds For Time:
-Chug 1 Beer
-Run 400M

We will be taking donations at the event to benefit the flood recovery efforts in Texas.

This event is open to all CrossFit athletes throughout the area. Athletes must pre-register for the event via Mindbody. Afterwards we plan to have some food and discuss what an awesome idea this was. 

Participants must pre-register via Mindbody by visiting this link!

We hope you can join us!!

*All participants must be over 21 years of age, have previously participated in CrossFit, and have a signed waiver on file with OV CrossFit.