
Don't forget - 5 Year Anniversary Workout & BBQ this Saturday @ 11am!  Please be sure to sign-up via Mindbody.  There is also a food sign-up on the whiteboard at the box. Remember - Members who bring a friend will receive an opportunity to win 1…

Don't forget - 5 Year Anniversary Workout & BBQ this Saturday @ 11am!  Please be sure to sign-up via Mindbody.  There is also a food sign-up on the whiteboard at the box.

Remember - Members who bring a friend will receive an opportunity to win 1 Free Month of CrossFit, and new athletes will have the opportunity to win 2 Free Months of CrossFit + Basic Training!



Partner WOD

400m run


2 Rounds

100 KB Swings @ 53/35 (RX+ 70/53)

50 Pull-ups (RX+ C2B)

25 Power Cleans @ 135/95 (RX+ 185/125)


400m run