Partner WOD
5k/4k Ski Erg
10k/8k AAB
**Movements must be completed in order, but split work as necessary**
Retest from 12/16/2021
10 min EMOM
O: 5 DBall Cleans
E: 30 sec DBall hold
RX: 100/60
Partner WOD
5k/4k Ski Erg
10k/8k AAB
**Movements must be completed in order, but split work as necessary**
Retest from 12/16/2021
10 min EMOM
O: 5 DBall Cleans
E: 30 sec DBall hold
RX: 100/60
At OV CrossFit we realize everyone has a unique starting place - you may be a "new mover" or a seasoned athlete. Our upfront assessment helps guide people to the best program for their goals and abilities.