Member Appreciation Month: > 3 years
In our final week of member appreciation month, we recognize our newest members to the community, those members who have been with us for less than three years. Many of these members are just starting their CrossFit journey and we are proud that they chose OVC. We want to express our gratitude to the following members:
Josh Archer
Jack Bence
Janice Bourque
Stacey Brownbrocklehurst
Kurt Clifford
Cat Coleman
Derrick Danze
Timely Diaz
Darcie Doebereiner
Kerri Giesel
Ashley Hatfield
Ethan Kozel
Luca Magistro
Jason Reynolds
Annarenne Speaker
Glen Stupak
Nikki Synder
As a token of our appreciation, each member will receive 2 free FitAid drinks. We appreciate the commitment by these athletes to our community and look forward to our continued work together.
If you would like to join our growing community, please stop by or contact us at