Member Appreciation Wee
We are excited to announce Member Appreciation Week from Nov. 18 - 23. This is our opportunity to say "THANKS!!" to all of our members.
There will be multiple giveaways . Our grand prize this year will be 3 free months towards a membership. The winners will be announced at our Friendsgiving event on Friday, Nov. 22nd. Members do not have to be at Friendsgiving to win the prizes.
How to participate: Each day a member attends class between 11/18 - 11/22 their name gets entered into the raffle. Each member has an opportunity to win any of the prizes.
We will also have daily sales or events starting on Monday, Nov. 18th. See details below:
Monday, 11/18: Flash membership sale - 4 months for the price of 3.
Sale must be completed on this day. Extension will be added to the end of existing membership.
Tuesday, 11/19: Buy 2 FitAid or O2 and get 1 free
Wednesday, 11/20: 25% all Podium supplements.
Thursday, 11/21: All shirts 25% off at
Friday, 11/22: Friendsgiving and grand prize giveaways
A member does not need to be at the Friendsgiving drawing to claim their prize.
Skill Development
5 min EMOM
3 Tall Snatches
5 Rounds E90s
2 Muscle Snatches
5 Rounds E2M
3 Snatch Grip Deadlift to Power Position w/ 4 sec pause at knee
6 Rounds E4M
2 1st Pull Snatch Deadlift +
2 Position Snatch
Partner WOD
2k Row buy-in
Then at 10 min mark
18 min AMRAP
6 Burpees
9 KB Swings @ 53/35
12 Air Squats
Partner 1 must complete a round before Partner 2 starts.
Last tested on 3/14/2020.