REGISTRATION OPEN - 4th Annual OV Throwdown!
The 4th Annual Ohio Valley Throwdown
Saturday April 21st, 2018.
Here are the basics:
RX Male and Female Divisions with prizes for top finishers.
Scaled Male and Female Divisions with prizes for top finishers.
3 Guaranteed WOD's/Events for each participant.
$70 Registration Fee (Includes T-Shirt)
We hope you can join us for what has become one of the areas premier CrossFit competitions!
Division Standards
We will be following similar movement standards as last year's Throwdown and similar to what is expected as Scaled/RX standards for The CrossFit Games. Here are a few basics:
Scaled: Advanced movements like muscle ups, hand stand push ups and pistols will not be measured in this division. Here are some standard weights that are possible for the scaled division:
Deadlift: 185/125
Clean and Jerk: 115/75
Snatch: 85/55
Push Press 85/55
Rx: Anything and everything CrossFit is possible.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions!