8.18.16 - Thank You Adam
From the first day an athlete walks in the door at OV CrossFit, they join a community of individuals who are there to see each other through anything they may face in life from that moment forward.
Whether it be a soul crushing workout, dealing with tragedy, celebrating successes, or moving away... this community lifts each other up and is what brings our members together through a unique bond for the rest of their lives.
Adam - You have been a foundation to the success of OVC and represent the heart of this community and the values we stand for. We wish you the best of luck in your travels and new adventure and hope that the road brings you home and back through our doors again soon.
Thank You!
- The OVC Community
Thank You Adam!
6 Banded Sprints 100’
12 min EMOM
O: 10 Thrusters @ 115/85
E: 10 SDHP @ 115/85
RX+ version unbroken sets