The 2017 CrossFit Games Open

We ask that for 5 weeks you join us in challenging ourselves to be the best possible athletes we can become.  

5 Weeks of seeing how far you have come this past year and how many things you still want to get better at.

5 Weeks of realizing fully what our community is about and how when surrounded by your friends you can accomplish things unimaginable.  

Whether you compete for fun, to prove your fitness, to represent your affiliate, or all of the above, the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this five-week online competition that unites the CrossFit community by bringing together hundreds of thousands of athletes in one all-inclusive competition. 

The CrossFit Games Open will run February 23rd - March 27th with one workout being released each Thursday and scores due the following Monday.  Scaled, Masters, and RX'd versions of each workout will be released making The Open inclusive and capable of all athletes, regardless of ability level.  

Sign up for $20, do the workouts, enter your scores, and you will be ranked in relation to your peers in your age division, competition region, state and country.  When registering please be sure to select OV CrossFit as both your Team and Affiliate! 

We will perform the workouts each Friday as a part of our scheduled classes at OV CrossFit.

Not currently a member of a licensed CrossFit Affiliate but want to compete in The Open? Drop-In to OV CrossFit each Friday throughout The Open to complete the workouts as a part of our community - $40 for all 5 Open Workouts!

Stay tuned for more information regarding other exciting events we will be having for this year's CrossFit Games Open!

In the meantime... REGISTER!  It all starts February 23rd!




